How was your experience at Emory? If you or a loved one received care at Emory, please consider becoming a Patient and Family Advisor (PFA). As a PFA, you'll be directly involved in helping the organization make better decisions by sharing your experiences, perspectives, and expectations.

Patient and Family Advisor Program
What Do PFAs Do?
PFAs are current or former patients and family members. They volunteer their time to partner with Emory Healthcare leadership, staff, and doctors. They serve on committees, councils, project teams and other groups working in a variety of ways to improve patient care.
"Before working with patient and family advisors, I was only guessing what it must be like in a patient’s shoes. Partnering with PFAs gave me a new perspective and hope that I’m making the hospital experience just a little better. I also love that after 24 years in healthcare, I always learn a new perspective from patient and family advisors. Their help makes me a better healthcare professional." – Apryl S. Lewis, MSN, CCTN, RN Nurse Coordinator for Patient Safety and Quality Emory University Hospital Midtown
Become a PFA
If you would like to learn more about becoming a PFA, please call 470-834-7634.