
Outpatient Rehabilitation Services

Outpatient Rehabilitation Services

Our Outpatient Rehabilitation Services offer comprehensive services in Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy, Speech Therapy, Audiology, Women's Health, Lymphedema, and Driving Solutions. Our programs address the medical, physical, emotional, and vocational challenges of a wide variety of conditions. We strive to provide individualized treatment every session beginning with a one-on-one evaluation. Our programs address the medical, physical, emotional, and vocational challenges of a wide variety of conditions. We strive to provide individualized treatment every session beginning with a one-on-one evaluation. For more information or to schedule an appointment, please call (404) 501-5140.


Our audiology program serves infants through adults with hearing impairment. Our audiologists are licensed and certified Doctors of Audiology who provide a variety of services, including comprehensive hearing evaluations, middle ear measurements, evoked potential testing, comprehensive balance testing, auditory processing assessment, and infant hearing assessments (OAE, AABR, and diagnostic ABR).

Physical and Occupational Therapy Specialized Programs

Hand Therapy provides patients with a unique treatment that increases the ability of the hand and upper extremity to perform functional and vocational activities. Conditions treated include but are not limited to cumulative trauma injuries (CTS to De Quervain’s), tendon repairs, traumatic injuries, fractures, skin grafts, and neuropathies. A wide range of individualized physical and occupational therapy treatment plans are offered, including custom splinting, wound care, modalities, scar management, edema control, range of motion, and customized home exercise programs.

Lee Silverman Voice Treatment (LSVT) Program and LSVT BIG programs for individuals with Parkinson’s Disease

Amputee Rehabilitation begins immediately after surgery if amputation occurs at one of our facilities and may continue throughout inpatient rehab and after discharge in our outpatient setting. It includes wound healing, physical therapy, and occupational therapy to help patients restore daily living activities, preparation for the fitting and use of a prosthesis, pain management, gait training, vocational training, and emotional support to help patients fully adapt after a limb loss.

Aquatic Therapy is conducted at The Wellness Center pool. It is directed by physical and/or occupational therapists in a group environment and is designed to increase flexibility, strength, and endurance. Aquatic therapy aids with balance problems by reducing weight-bearing forces in the water, allowing patients to exercise with less pain. After an aquatic assessment, patients are scheduled for six occupational therapy visits, with the expectation that patients will become independent in their exercise programs by the end of the final visit.

Pregnancy Therapy for women during and after pregnancy to minimize discomfort and alleviate muscle and joint/pelvic pain, leg and hand swelling, nerve compression, and more. Treatment programs also include both physical and occupational therapy, such as scar management, postural strengthening and education, pain reduction, balance training, and breathing and relaxation techniques.

Post-Operative Breast Cancer Therapy is designed to restore flexibility and strength, and reduce potential swelling following a lumpectomy, mastectomy, or reconstructive surgery.

Fibromyalgia Therapy

Driving Solutions is a specialty occupational therapy program that is directed by a certified occupational therapist. It provides driver assessment for older adults, disabled persons, and teens, training, and adaptive equipment recommendations for vehicle operation for new, experienced, and elderly drivers.

Lymphedema Therapy provides patients with specialized care to reduce the functional impairments and discomfort associated with chronic and acute lymphedema. This specialized therapy includes manual lymphatic drainage, compression, therapeutic exercises, and education.

Orthopedic Rehabilitation is provided by a team of experienced therapists that provide one-on-one evaluation and treatment for musculoskeletal dysfunction of the spine and extremities. Additional orthopedic rehabilitation treatment includes a variety of occupational and physical therapy services, such as manual therapy (joint mobilization, soft tissue mobilization, and myofascial release), therapeutic exercise, muscle re-education, modalities, assistance with daily living activities, back school, aquatic therapy, body mechanics education, and post-operative care.

Speech Therapy Specialized Programs

Speech therapy services for adults on an outpatient and inpatient basis, with experienced speech therapists available on staff to help patients with a variety of therapeutic solutions. Our highly trained speech therapists in Atlanta specialize in offering therapy to help patients relearn how to talk, read, write and understand language, as well as helping patients find alternate ways to communicate and relearn safe swallowing skills. Our speech therapy services include helping patients to rebuild thinking, memory, and problem-solving skills, allowing patients to return home quickly and prevent future problems.

Our highly-qualified speech therapists are specially trained to work with all speech and language disorders, including fluency, resonance or voice disorders, oral-feeding disorders, receptive language disorders, and expressive language disorders. We work together to provide a range of comprehensive speech therapy services and solutions.

Infant Swallowing Therapy is provided by a speech pathologist experienced with neonatal feeding and swallowing evaluation and treatment to assist in the smooth transition of your baby from the NICU to home. Therapy is family-centered and is designed to help your baby grow and thrive.