Patient: You are an important member of the team. We encourage you to ask questions and express your needs. Your participation and cooperation is vital.
Psychiatrist: Your Psychiatrist is a M.D. who specializes in the mental and emotional aspects of illness. On the unit the psychiatrist is the leader and guide for the team. The psychiatrist may also be referred to as your "attending physician".
Psychiatry Resident: The Resident is a M.D. who is receiving specialized training at EmoryHealthcare in the field of Psychiatry. The resident will be working closely with you and your psychiatrist.
Medical Student: Junior and Senior Medical Students at Emory University School of Medicine spend several weeks on the unit as part of their medical education. The students work directly with you under the supervision of the psychiatrist and resident.
Registered Nurse: Your nurse serves as a link between you, your family, and the other members of the team. The nurses help you and provide the day to day care during your treatment.
Nursing Technician: The nursing technicians assist you and support independence in performing daily life tasks such as bathing, dressing, and tidying your room.
Mental Health Assistant: The mental health assistant will spend time with you and coordinated activities on the unit.
Nursing Unit Clerk: The nursing unit clerk is the secretary for the unit operations.
Certified Addiction Counselor (CAC): The CAC is available for assessments, interventions, individual and group activities for addiction care and other therapeutic activities.
Care Manager (CM): The CM has special training and skills in assessment and treatment. You and your family may be requested to meet or communicate with him/her during the hospitalization. They also have an active role in discharge planning and referral to community resources.
Recreation Therapist: The recreation therapist assists you in improving your functioning (physical, mental, emotional, social) through groups and structured activities. Involvement in these activities also helps you explore your leisure interests and options, identify barriers to participation, and optimize your leisure participation and life management.
Chaplain: The chaplain provides assistance with exploring spiritual and grief/loss issues in groups. He/she is also available for spiritual counseling. Your personal clergy may also visit. Talk with your nurse about arranging these visits.
Occupational Therapist/Physical Therapist: When consulted, these therapists develop individual plans of care and provide education to assist you in reaching your highest level of functioning.
You will also meet housekeepers, transporters, lab technicians and pharmacists.
Feel free to ask any questions about how they contribute to your care.