
Sports Medicine:

Sports Medicine Conditions

If you participate in sports, injuries are inevitable. Emory Healthcare physicians treat professional and non-professional athletes across Atlanta. We have an acute knowledge of the causes and potential therapies for sports-related conditions.

Elbow Injuries and Conditions

Elbow injuries are most commonly associated with sports activities such as tennis and baseball. The elbow is an exceptionally complex joint-it's made up of the humerus (upper arm bone), the ulna (larger of the lower arm bones), and the radius (the smaller in bone in the lower arm), along with a delicate intersection of muscles, tendons and ligaments.

Foot and Ankle Injuries and Conditions

Your feet and ankles are the daily bearers of your body's full weight. They are the crucial transmission point of all the power of your legs. Consequently, the tremendous demands we put on our feet are sometimes more than they can bear. Emory is a one-stop shop for the diagnosis, treatment, and rehabilitation of all problems of the foot and ankle, with both surgical and non-surgical treatment provided by our expert foot and ankle orthopedists.

Hand and Wrist Injuries and Conditions

Our wrists, hands and fingers are intricate collections of muscles and joints that we put to use in hundreds of ways, every day. But we often never fully appreciate how much we use them – until we've suffered an injury or painful condition in the area.

Head Injuries

If you engage in sport, you run the risk of suffering a head injury. A stray ball, a helmet-to-helmet collision, an awkward fall, and countless other scenarios often result in the head sustaining an injury such as concussion.

Knee Injuries and Conditions

A twist of the knee during physical activity. A pop. Pain and swelling. The knee shifting out of joint. We know the scenario of an ACL injury, patella dislocation, or cartilage damage all too well, and while it's never pretty, it is possible to make a full recovery.

Shoulder Injuries and Conditions

Emory Sports Medicine specializes in treating all shoulder injuries. Our physicians are nationally recognized leaders in their surgical field, helping to initiate and design the latest shoulder-injury procedures.

Sports Cardiology

The Sports Cardiology program is dedicated to working with athletes of all ages and levels — from weekend warriors to professional athletes — to evaluate, diagnose, and treat athletes who are at risk for, or have been diagnosed with cardiovascular disease.