Emory Bariatric Center at Midtown
Begin Your Journey
Step 1: Register and Complete a Seminar
We offer two types of free online seminars.
Surgical Seminar
Get the facts about bariatric surgery at Emory Bariatric Center Midtown by registering and completing our online seminar.
Step 2: Review Payment Options
Whether paying for your surgery through insurance or out of pocket, there is a $300 program fee for all patients, half of which will be collected at the time of enrollment into the program.
Bariatric surgery is often a covered procedure under many medical insurance plans. Some insurers will only cover bariatric surgery when it is performed at a designated or accredited center. Emory Bariatric Center is accredited by the American College of Surgeons and is designated a Center of Excellence by most major insurance plans. Before deciding on any medical procedure you should ask your insurer whether bariatric surgery is a covered benefit, and what criteria are required for approval.
While the Emory Bariatric Center's weight management programs and surgical interventions are state of the art, we can't guarantee that our services are covered benefits for every insurance plan. The remainder will be collected at your group nutrition class. If for any reason you are not able to progress to surgery, your program fee can be fully or partially refunded, based on the services you have received. Because each patient has different needs, we offer the following payment options:
- Credit Cards (Visa, MasterCard, Discover and American Express)
- Financing - In order to provide patients with access to the superior care, we offer financing options through an independent provider
For more information about financing options, please call 404-778-7777.
Step 3: Schedule Your Consultation
After completing the seminar, please call 404-778-7777.
Please fill out our New Patient Questionnaire and bring it with you to your appointment.
Step 4: Prepare for Surgery
Weight loss surgery is like other major surgeries. The best preparation is to understand the risks and potential benefits and to closely follow your doctor’s instructions.
- Understand the surgical process and what to expect afterward
- Talk to people who have had weight loss surgery or attend a support group to gain valuable insight
Bariatric Surgery Support Group
Exercise Partnership