Holding vigil at the bedside of a dying young man who has no visitors. Comforting a company of firefighters awaiting word about their injured colleague. Helping someone understand their treatment plan. Finding an earlier follow-up appointment for an anxious patient.
These are just some ways patient advocates support patients, families and providers at Emory Healthcare.
This team, part of the patient relations department, works alongside patients and their families to help them navigate their health care journeys. Patient advocates also serve as resources for providers and care teams across Emory Healthcare hospitals and clinics.
Amaka Eneanya, MD, MPH, chief transformation officer, says the patient advocate role is not widely known, and its importance is underestimated. These professionals enhance both patient and clinician experiences at Emory.
Dr. Eneanya says advocates bring the patient’s voice to the table, especially in times of misunderstanding or confusion.
“Patient advocates are so powerful and helpful,” Dr. Eneanya says. “We ask for their opinions all the time. They work with people at their most vulnerable times. And because they aren’t part of a patient’s day-to-day care, they can come in objectively, hear them out and then communicate important information back to care teams.”