1. Get Ready for the Season
While it can be tempting to jump into a quick game of basketball or a friendly game of flag football without any training or warm up, you could be headed straight for a serious injury. Recreational sports are supposed to focus on fun, but they should still be taken seriously.
Consider getting ready for an upcoming game or season with a little training. That can be as simple as walking around the block regularly, stretching muscles every day or hitting the gym over the cold winter months. Staying in shape is better for your body: It gets you ready to play your best and can help you prevent injuries when warmer temperatures roll around.
2. Warm Up
There’s a reason you see professional athletes out on the field or court before a game. They – and their coaches and trainers – know the importance of warming up before a game or practice.
Spend time getting your muscles ready for game time. A warmup prepares your body for increased physical activity by raising your temperature and getting the blood flowing to all parts (and muscles) in your body. This helps loosen muscles and can help reduce the risk of injury – including sprains and strains.
3. Listen to Your Body
Let’s just be honest – many of us aren’t exactly spring chickens anymore. As we age, our muscles tighten and our bones start to weaken. This natural aging process is why it’s more important for “older” athletes – even those in their 30s – to stay fit all year long.
It’s also important to listen to your body. Pay attention to your heart rate, breathing, and muscles, and learn the difference between what you can push through and when you need to take a break. There’s no shame in knowing your limits. You’ll stay healthy as a result.
4. Stay Hydrated
Water breaks are key for several reasons: Water helps cool your body temperature to keep you from overheating; it replaces water you’re sweating out; and it keeps your muscles and joints lubricated, which can help you prevent injury during the game.
Be sure to drink plenty of water before, during and after your game. One simple way to remember is to fill up a water bottle in the morning and monitor how much you drink throughout the day – including at your game. A good rule of thumb is to take a sip every 30 minutes or so before the game and at every water break during play. Refuel afterward with water or a low-sugar sports drink.
5. Cool Down
A proper cooldown is another easy way to help prevent injury after recreational sports. Cooldowns help lower your heart rate and body temperature safely and prevent blood from pooling in a particular spot.
When the whistle blows, catch your breath by walking a few laps around the field and doing some simple stretches to help you recover.
6. Make Time for Exercise All Week
It’s easy to let exercise slip to the bottom of your to-do list during the work week. Making time for regular physical activity – even as little as 30 minutes three or four days during the week – will help you prevent injury. It will also help boost your performance on the field over the weekend.
Try a few simple strategies to make exercise a priority:
Ask a family member to join you. Invite your partner for a walk around the neighborhood or ask one of your children to join you on a bike ride. Physical activity is a great opportunity to spend quality time with family and friends.
Get it out of the way in the morning. An early morning run or workout is a great way to start your day. You’ll also be less likely to find excuses, or get caught up in the hustle and bustle of the day, to skip a workout.
Schedule it. Block time on your calendar to set aside time for exercise. It will serve as a reminder – and commitment – to the importance of staying fit.
Weekend sports and activities are a great way to stay active and be healthy. Stay in the game by focusing on your health and wellness all week – and year – long.