Emory Transplant Center Keeps Quality and Patient Care at the Forefront

By: Emory Transplant Center
Date: Jul 16, 2019
The Emory Transplant Center’s focus on quality goes well beyond the ordinary. And, while it was the first transplant center to earn the prestigious National Committee for Quality Assurance (NCQA)’s Patient-Centered Specialty Practice (PCSP) Level 3 Recognition – their highest level of distinction, Emory Transplant Center is committed to building upon its strengths, assertively working to enhance patient-centered care.
Thanks to a generous grant from the Cox Foundation’s Jim Kennedy, the Emory Transplant Center is well underway in building the best possible patient experience. The award is intended to streamline appointments and reduce wait times while providing the highest quality health care.
Toward these goals, the Emory Transplant Center is integrating the Lean Methodology quality principles into all aspects of its operation. The Lean Methodology is a quality improvement philosophy first developed by Toyota. It transforms the way organizations work and is increasingly being used in health care settings to build staff commitment and cut waste that can undermine care.
Lean processes include reviews of all activities which distinguish value-creating actions from those that misuse resources and point to opportunities for improvement, along with team-based problem-solving sessions focusing on identifying gaps and problems, brainstorming fixes, and executing as many solutions as possible. Learn more about Lean methodology.
To date, the Emory Transplant Center has led several value stream analyses that have strengthened patient-centered care.

Nationally recognized transplant care

Learn about our transplant programs. Make an appointment online, find a provider or call 404-778-7777 to schedule an appointment.

Emory Transplant Center is Already Making Progress by Reducing Patient Wait Times

In one Lean exercise, Emory Transplant Center personnel reduced patients’ lobby wait time from 45 minutes to 20 minutes using these solutions.

Emory Transplant Center Staff Works Daily to Identify Issues and Resolve Them

Part of Emory Transplant Center’s transformation and commitment to quality practices are daily staff huddles where the team reviews patient schedules, proactively approaching safety, equipment, supplies, and staffing.

Emory Patients Recommend the Emory Transplant Center

When asked if they would be “likely to recommend the Emory Transplant Center,” positive patient response went from 95.50 percent to 100 percent in just two months. Additionally, patient satisfaction scores have continued to climb during the Center’s quality journey.

Nationally recognized transplant care

About Emory Transplant

As one of the top 15 transplant centers in the nation, Emory Transplant is at the forefront of clinical excellence and pioneering new transplant therapies. Emory Transplant offers advanced technology and superior outcomes in heart, kidney, liver, lung and pancreas transplant surgeries. Emory Transplant Center, a part of Emory Healthcare, has performed more than 12,000 transplants. The center’s core mission is to provide exceptional care for patients in need of organ transplants while offering access to the latest advances in the field of transplant medicine.

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