Sen. Jon Ossoff Visits Emory Healthcare Veterans Program, Announces Military Families Mental Health Services Act

Date: Sep 23, 2022

ossoffSenator Jon Ossoff visited the Emory Healthcare Veterans Program (EHVP) to learn more about its life-transforming work and announce the Military Families Mental Health Services Act. If passed, this bipartisan bill will increase access to mental health care and resources for service members, veterans, and their families.

Ossoff declared, “Our bipartisan bill will expand free access to counseling and mental health services for service members and their families, who make great sacrifices for our nation, endure great stress in so doing, and deserve nothing less than the care they need when they need it.”

EHVP is in alignment with the intent of the bill, as it’s currently doing what the bill is attempting to expand – access to no-cost mental health care. During his tour of the EHVP, Senator Ossoff spoke with EHVP’s Executive Director, Dr. Barbara Rothbaum, as well as a program graduate and his family. Rothbaum explained, “we can fly our patients in, feed them, house them, and give them more treatment in two weeks than most people receive in a year, all at no cost to them.”

The EHVP’s Intensive Outpatient Program, which Dr. Rothbaum described above, takes two weeks, and can be completed in-person at the outpatient clinic in Atlanta, Georgia, or via telehealth in participating states. Post-9/11 veterans and service members are eligible, regardless of location, discharge status, deployment history, or length of service.

After learning about the EHVP and talking to a graduate of the program, Senator Ossoff stated, “Emory is providing the best for those who deserve the best.” The faculty and staff of the EHVP couldn’t agree more!

About Emory Healthcare Veterans Program

Emory Healthcare Veterans Program treats conditions such as post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), Traumatic Brain Injury, (TBI), Military Sexual Trauma (MST), anxiety, and depression related to military service. Treatment is free and confidential for eligible post-9/11 veterans and service members living anywhere in the United States, regardless of discharge status, deployment history, or length of service. EHVP’s two-week Intensive Outpatient Program as well as its traditional outpatient therapy is offered in-person at our clinic in Atlanta, Georgia, or via telehealth in participating states.

Treatment works, and we are here to help. Call 888-514-5345 or complete a confidential online form to speak with a veteran care coordinator.

Schedule your appointment today.

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