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Emory Facial Nerve Program:
What To Expect

Supportive Care for Facial Paralysis Every Step of the Way

When you take part in the Emory Facial Nerve Program, our expert care team is with you every step of your treatment journey. Our collaborative and comforting team makes sure you feel supported and heard. We can answer your questions and help you understand the treatment process from start to finish.


Initial Consultation

During your initial consultation, you will meet with a physician on our facial nerve team who will ask questions related to your facial paralysis as well as perform a head and neck examination. Any previously performed imaging studies (CT or MRI) will also be reviewed. Intake photography and videography, as well as patient questionnaires, will be performed to provide a baseline and track treatment progress. At the end of the appointment, the provider will discuss diagnostic and treatment options with you which may include both non-surgical and surgical options.


What to Expect During Treatment

Non-Surgical Care

One of the most common medications we use, Botox, can offer relief for people suffering from facial spasms and synkinesis related to facial paralysis. If your care team recommends Botox, you can expect to see your provider every 3-4 months for injections. We will also check how you respond to Botox at each visit and determine if we need to change your treatment plan. Facial physical therapy will also be incorporated into your treatment plan to improve facial tightness, mobility, and expression.

Social and Emotional Care

We know coping with facial paralysis can take a toll physically and emotionally. Even basic functions, such as smiling, speaking, eating, and blinking can all be affected.

Helping you feel more confident socially and emotionally is a cornerstone of the care plans we proudly offer our patients.

Surgical Care

The Emory Facial Nerve Program specialists excel in a range of surgical procedures.

While each surgical procedure is different, they have similar guidelines to ensure successful healing and recovery. Your provider will explain what you can expect with each type of surgery as well as the recovery period.


Follow Up

With any treatment you receive at Emory Facial Nerve Program, whether nonsurgical or surgical, we’ll want to check in with you to see how you’ve responded to your care. We will routinely perform photos, videos, and questionnaires at subsequent appointments to track your progress. These results will be shared with you so that you and the provider can assess your progress as a unified team.


Make an Appointment with Emory Facial Nerve Program

We have the resources and expertise to treat a range of conditions causing facial paralysis and to help you feel more like yourself. For more information or to schedule an appointment, call us at  404-686-4328 or 404-778-0278.