
Travel Hazards


Malaria is a severe mosquito-transmitted blood infection. Prescribed malaria medications should be taken before, during and after returning from your travels. Failure to do so may result in contracting this preventable and extremely dangerous disease. The risk of acquiring malaria is not uniform from country to country, or even within countries; it depends on local conditions. TravelWell will advise you regarding any medication necessary for your trip.

No antimalarial drug is totally protective. These drugs should be supplemented by the use of protective clothing, insect repellent, screening and mosquito nets, when possible. Learn more about avoiding insects during your travels.

If you develop a fever after returning from a malaria-endemic region, especially within the first several months, contact TravelWell without delay. Otherwise, go to an emergency room and tell the provider that you may have been exposed to malaria and need a blood test. Sometimes multiple tests are needed to make a diagnosis.