Our mission is to provide compassionate care, and volunteers help us fulfill the Mission of the Sisters of Mercy and Emory Healthcare. The Emory Saint Joseph’s Hospital (ESJH) family values the time you give and the service you provide our patients and those who care for them.
Adult Volunteers
Adult volunteers (18 and older) are asked to commit to four hours of service per week for one year or 100 hours. Please note that we do not have internships, shadowing, or court-ordered community service opportunities.
For more information, please call 678-843-7292.
2025 Summer VolunTEEN Program
This summer’s program will allow teens to gain hospital experience. Teens will volunteer one shift a week from 9:30 am – 2 pm in a department in the hospital. They will volunteer in the same department each week. This is a volunteer opportunity, not shadowing or an internship. Teens will be working alongside health care workers to support and learn about their roles inside a hospital. The volunteer work includes tasks such as helping with inventory, organizing clinical supplies, delivering meal trays, reports, filing, etc. The program will run from Monday, June 2 until Thursday, July 24.
Summer 2025 VolunTEEN Program Requirements (NO exceptions):
- High School Student 16-18 years old on June 1, 2025
- Participate in a virtual interview
- Letter of Reference from a teacher or counselor
- MMR and Varicella (Chickenpox) vaccinations
- Attend Mandatory Orientation on Monday, June 2 from 9 am - 2 pm (please do not apply if you cannot attend orientation)
- Volunteer a minimum of six out of the eight weeks of the program
- Complete 30 volunteer hours (it cannot be done in one week, one month or any period shorter than 6 weeks)
- Purchase a uniform for $40, wear a mask and follow all other ESJH dress code and safety protocols
- Have a T-SPOT blood test for tuberculosis (after interview and acceptance in the program)
Applications will be available on Monday, February 17, 2025. If you would like to apply for the VolunTEEN program, click here: 2025 ESJH VolunTEEN Application. If your initial application is accepted you will receive an email requiring further information.
If you have any questions, please email esjhvolunteens@emoryhealthcare.org. There are a limited number of applications accepted. All application information must be received no later than Friday, March 7 at 4 pm. We have a limited number of slots available. If we have received enough complete applications to fill all of our slots before March 7 we will close the application process early.