Emory University Hospital Post-Graduate
Year Two Internal Medicine Pharmacy Residency
PGY-2 Internal Medicine Pharmacy Residency
Learning Experiences and Rotations
Required Rotations (7)- One calendar month
- Internal medicine x 5 months total
- Internal Medicine- Emory University Hospital (EUH) 1
- Internal Medicine- EUH 2
- Internal Medicine- EUH Midtown 1**
- Internal Medicine- EUH 3
- Internal Medicine- EUH Capstone*
- Orientation
- Medical Intensive Care**
* Except Internal Medicine- EUH Capstone, which is ~6 weeks due to experiential teaching
** You may have up to two required rotations at EUH Midtown located about 5 miles from EUH. You will not be reimbursed for your travel or mileage.
Elective Rotations (3)- One calendar month
- Ambulatory Internal Medicine
- Antimicrobial Stewardship Team-Infectious Diseases
- Cardiology
- CCU/Anticoagulation
- Internal Medicine-EUH Midtown 2
- Nutrition Support
- Outpatient Rheumatology Clinic
Additional electives can be created depending on resident interest/goals and available preceptors
Longitudinal Requirements
- Academia- 6 months- approximately 4 hours per month plus a concentrated time in May.
- Advanced Drug Information-12 months- approximately 4-8 hours per month
- Case Conference- 1 month- approximately 10 hours
- Committee Service- 12 months- approximately 2 hours per month
- Grand Rounds-2 months- approximately 20 hours
- On Call-12 months- every other Wednesday (~26 Wednesdays)
- Pharmacy Service Commitment- 12 months- every 4th weekend Saturday and Sunday for 8 hrs/day (up to 26 shifts including training)
- Teaching Certificate (if not completed as a PGY1)- 12 months (~2-4 hours per month)
- Research- 12 months- approximately 8 hours per month plus concentrated time in December and June
- PGY2 Internal Medicine Pharmacy Residency CAGO Appendix documentation (12 months, ~30 minutes per month)
Longitudinal Rotation Descriptions
Research: The resident will design and execute an original research project requiring Institutional Review Board Approval. The resident will present research findings at a regional or national poster session and the Southeastern Residency Conference. Submission of a research manuscript is required.
Advanced Drug Information: The resident will work with an Emory Healthcare Drug Information specialist to complete projects designed to meet residency goals associated with drug information and practice management, including but not limited to: order set development/revision, drug monograph, or MUE, patient safety etc.
Committee Service: The resident will also serve on the Emory Healthcare System Pharmacy and Therapeutics Committee.
Grand Rounds: The resident is required to prepare one ACPE-accredited continuing education presentation on relevant internal medicine topics, including evaluation of the primary literature.
Case Conference: The resident is required to prepare one Case Conference summarizing the medication management of an interesting patient and highlighting the evidence supporting the treatment selection.
Pharmacy Service Commitment: The resident will serve as a Clinical Pharmacist I in a zone covering internal medicine patients every 4th weekend.
On-Call: The resident will rotate with the PGY2 Critical Care Pharmacy Resident every other Wednesday to be on-call for EUH. Detailed responsibilities are listed in the EUH Residency Appendix.
Teaching Certificate: The resident is required to complete the Mercer University College of Pharmacy Teaching Certificate Program unless similar certification was obtained during the PGY-1 year.
Licensure and Compensation
Licensure: Full pharmacist licensure must be obtained no later than 120 days after the start of the residency year, otherwise, the resident will be dismissed.
Compensation: Residents receive a $61,006/year salary plus medical, dental, vision and 401K benefits.
Professional Development
Residents are encouraged to participate in professional organizations during their residency year and will receive $75 for professional dues. Residents are encouraged to present research findings at a national meeting and receive financial support to attend.
Contact Info
For more information, please contact the program director or coordinator.
Nicole L. Metzger, PharmD, BCPS
3001 Mercer University Drive
Atlanta, GA 30341-4155
Carrie Callahan, PharmD, BCPS
1364 Clifton Road NE, B708
Atlanta, GA 30322