Emory School of Medicine |
RAD 1100: Introduction to Radiology & Patient Care
Introduces a grouping of fundamental principles, practices, and issues common to many clinical applications in the healthcare profession. Provides the student with an overview of radiography and patient care. Students will be introduced and oriented to the radiology profession through hospital, departmental and program protocols. |
RAD 1101-5101: Radiographic Procedures I-V
Provides the student with the knowledge required to perform radiographic procedures applicable to the corresponding human anatomy. The concepts and criteria needed to produce and evaluate quality radiographs will be emphasized. The pathological disorders of the various systems of the body, classification of diseases, additive and destructive conditions will also be discussed throughout these courses.
The topics covered in these courses includes the following: RAD 1101: Topics include: Introduction to radiographic procedures, basic positioning terminology, basic radiographic and topographical anatomy related to body cavities & planes, including the thoracic and abdominal cavities and upper extremities. basic medical terminology, fundamentals of pathology, pathological disorders of the respiratory system, chest tubes and line placement, classification of disease, additive and destructive conditions.
RAD 2101: Topics include: shoulder girdle, lower extremities, lumbar, sacrum, coccyx, cervical and thoracic spine, pathological disorders of the skeletal system, classification of disease, additive and destructive conditions.
RAD 3101: Topics include: bony thorax, pelvis, genitourinary system, gastrointestinal system, skull and sinuses, pathological disorders of the genitourinary system, gastrointestinal system and hepatobiliary system, classification of disease, additive and destructive conditions
RAD 4102: Topics include: facial bones, nasal bones, orbits, temporal bones, mastoids, mobile and trauma radiography.
RAD 5101: Topics include: specialty exams, fractures, body systems: (muscle, endocrine, circulatory, reproductive, nervous, cross-sectional anatomy), pathological disorders of the cardiovascular system, central nervous system, classification of disease, additive and destructive conditions. |
RAD 1101L-5101L: Radiographic Procedures Clinical Labs I-V
Clinical laboratory experience which will allow the student to demonstrate the applied theories and principles introduced in RAD 1101- 5101 |
RAD 2100-3100: Patient Care II-III
Provides the student with the basic patient care principles and concepts they are likely to encounter in various clinical situations in the healthcare setting. Provides the student with the concepts of pathological disorders and disease processes. Topics include: surgical asepsis, sterile techniques, vital signs, medical emergencies, care of the patient in trauma and/or mobile situations, care of pediatric & geriatric patients, care of patients during gastrointestinal and genitourinary exams, care of patients with catheters and tubes, pharmacology, drug administration, contrast media, venipuncture and EKG. |
RAD 1102-2102: Principles of Radiographic Imaging & Exposure I-II
Introduces knowledge of principles that control and influence the production of quality radiographic images. Topics include: Prime factors of radiographic quality, photographic and geometric properties of radiographic quality, exposure, contrast, spatial resolution & distortion, beams restrictors, grids, image acquisition and technical evaluation, QA/QC, image artifacts, radiographic technique and exposure conversion problems, technique charts. Laboratory experiments will coincide with coursework to demonstrate theories and principles. |
RAD 3102 & RAD 4100: Equipment and Maintenance I-II
Introduces and builds upon the concepts of basic physics and emphasizes the fundamentals of x-ray generating equipment. Topics include: concepts of radiologic science, atomic structure, structure of matter, radiation quantities and units, fundamentals of physics and electromagnetic radiation, electricity and magnetism and electromagnetism, x-ray imaging circuits and generators, and the x-ray tube, Fluoroscopy, AEC, mobile, intro to computer science & computer literacy, Computed and Digital Radiography Systems, PACS and special imaging modalities. |
RAD 4100-5100: Radiation Protection I-II
Provides instruction on professional responsibilities of the radiographer to limit both occupational and patient radiation exposure. Topics include: health physics, protection of patients and personnel, beam filtration, x-ray production, x-ray emission and x-ray interactions with matter and cell biology, fundamental principles of radiobiology, molecular and cellular radiobiology, early effects of radiation, late effects of radiation, designing for radiation protection, radiation protection procedures. |
RAD 1103-4103; RAD 5102 & RAD 6001: Clinical Radiography I-VI
Provides student with the continued opportunities to observe and participate in various imaging procedures. Topics include: Utilization of equipment in various imaging services departments (Fluoroscopy, CR/DR, Outpatient Diagnostic, Inpatient Diagnostic, Outpatient surgery, Mobile radiography, Trauma radiography, CT & MRI) Student will have an opportunity to participate in and/or observe those exams including those related to corresponding exams which they have learned during the semester, under the direct or indirect supervision of a registered radiologic technologist, depending upon students level of competency.
Clinic Education The student will have approximately 2,100 hours of clinical experience in Emory Decatur Hospital’s radiology service areas including those at Emory Hillandale Hospital and Emory Long-Term Acute Care, and various orthopedic offices. Clinical competencies will be completed by each student in the following areas: Axial, Appendicular & Contrast Studies. |
RAD 5103: Professional Development and Independent Study
Designed to promote continuing professional education and lifelong learning, students are assigned articles and/or videos of current topics in the imaging field for independent study and discussion. This course will also promote critical thinking skills, while enhancing problem-solving skills. Students will be assigned case study topics and will present image studies as a class presentation, including image evaluation criteria, proper positioning, proper radiographic quality, type of pathology and/or diagnosis. Students will also have the opportunity to attend a variety of professional society meetings to explore additional methods of how CEUs can be obtained. |
RAD 6000: Radiologic Technology Review
Provides a review of basic knowledge from previous courses and helps the student prepare for the American Registry of Radiologic Technology. Topics include: patient care, radiographic procedures, radiation protection, equipment and maintenance, principles of radiographic imaging and exposure, radiographic pathology and medical terminology. |