
Radiologic Technology

Certificate Program

Program Effectiveness Data

The Emory School of Medicine (ESOM) Radiologic Technology Certificate Program monitors student learning outcomes and tracks program effectiveness through various data sources, including program statistics and surveys.

The program adheres to the following minimum standards:

  • A five-year average credentialing examination pass rate of at least 75% on the first attempt.*
  • A five-year average job placement rate of at least 75% within twelve months of graduation for those “graduates actively seeking employment”. **
  • An annual student completion rate of at least 75%.

For more details, view our most current Radiography Program Effectiveness Data at ESOM RT Certificate Program Effectiveness Data 2019-2023. Program effectiveness data is also available on the JRCERT website at JRCERT Program Effectiveness Data.

*Note: Credentialing Examination: The number of students who pass, on the first attempt, the American Registry of Radiologic Technologists (ARRT) certification examination, or an unrestricted state licensing examination, compared with the number of graduates who take the examination within six months of graduation. The five-year average benchmark established by the JRCERT is 75%.

**Note: The JRCERT defines "actively seeking employment" as graduates who are actively pursuing job opportunities in the radiologic sciences. Graduates are considered "not actively seeking employment" under the following circumstances:

  • They do not respond to program officials regarding their employment status after multiple attempts.
  • They are unwilling to relocate for employment.
  • They decline employment due to salary or work hours.
  • They are on active military duty.
  • They are continuing their education.