Emory Decatur Hospital is a tertiary referral center for podiatric care, with some of the leading surgeons and educators on foot, ankle and leg pathology. It is also home to the Podiatric Surgery Residency Program which specializes in diabetic foot care, preventing foot problems, common foot and ankle problems, and surgical solutions.
Radiology and Imaging Services
Emory Decatur Hospital offers state-of-the-art radiology and medical imaging services and facilities for a variety of inpatient and outpatient diagnostic imaging procedures. Outpatient services are offered at the outpatient Diagnostic Imaging Center and Comprehensive Breast Center. To schedule a radiology appointment, call 404-501-2660.
Rehabilitation Services
Emory Decatur Hospital offers both an Inpatient Rehabilitation Center and a full array of outpatient rehabilitation services providing comprehensive physical medicine and rehabilitation programs that optimize patient health, function and quality of life. Our rehabilitation teams are trained and certified in a variety of areas, including lymphedema therapy, hand therapy, occupational rehabilitation, audiology, manual therapy, vestibular rehabilitation and more.