woman crouching to run

Return to Play Post-Surgery Goals

Schlopy Mini Jumps

Months 3-5

(2 sets of 20 repetitions)

Take a small jump forward, (> 12 inches) then a small jump back with a deep soft landing into a squatted position. Absorb the jump to 90 deg at the knee. Make sure knees stay over toes or slightly outside of toes.


  • Use a mirror for feedback, hips should stay even and knees should not buckle in, you should flex at your knees not your hips.

Months 5-7

(2-3 sets of 25 repetitions)

This is now added into your warm up and is a great exercise for overall lower extremity strength and balance. Continue with progressing exercises to meet goals of sets and reps.


  • If you are advanced with the single leg sport cord add standing on the BOSU ball to challenge your balance with the exercise.