


Dual-Row Rotator Cuff Repair

Dual-row rotator cuff repair is a shoulder surgery that provides optimal rotator cuff footprint restoration, more durable fixation strength, protects tendon and bone at the repair site interface, and leads to more consistent and dependable healing. Here are the basics of the procedure:

What is the rotator cuff?

The rotator cuff is a tendon linking four muscles in your shoulder. These muscles cover the head of the humerus, and work together to lift and rotate the shoulder. The tendons at the ends of the rotator cuff muscles can become torn, causing pain and restricted arm movement. A torn rotator cuff can occur by shoulder trauma or through everyday "wear and tear" of the tendons. It is an injury frequently sustained by athletes who perform repeated overhead motions or forceful pulling motions.

How is dual-row surgery different from other procedures?

Traditionally, treatment of rotator cuff injuries has required an open surgical procedure. More recently, minimally invasive arthroscopic techniques have been used to repair tears of the rotator cuff. However, numerous authors have shown that arthroscopic techniques may not fully restore the anatomic "footprint" of the rotator cuff insertion.

"Dual-row" suture anchor fixation technique has been shown to fully restore the anatomic "footprint," provide much stronger fixation strength, and aid durability (which can lead to better healing).

"Dual-row" rotator cuff repair allows significantly less motion between tendon and bone at the repair site interface, employing a more rigid construct when compared to single row suture anchor techniques. It can be viewed as superior to other techniques by providing maximal footprint restoration, more durable fixation, and a more rigid repair, which may be conducive to more complete biologic healing.

Who needs this surgery?

  • People who have suffered shoulder trauma
  • People who experience shoulder impingement associated with everyday wear and tear or sustained athletic activities