Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) Therapy
The Problem
Tendons are the rope-like structures that connect muscle to bone, enabling the bone to move. When a tendon is first injured, it can become inflamed, swollen and painful. This injury is often experienced by athletes in tennis, baseball, football, and any other sport that requires repetitive throwing motions.
However, most chronic tendon pain lacks significant inflammation as the tissue itself begins to break down. This is why traditional treatments like rest, ice and anti-inflammatory medications do not often provide long-lasting relief. For years, the last resort was a surgeon trying to cut away the damaged tendon, with very mixed success.
The Solution
PRP Therapy Recovery
Does It Really Work?
The majority of PRP patients find that within 3 months they can return to most or all of the activities they were doing before the pain started.
To schedule a consultation, call 404-778-3350. For questions, email us.
The following Emory physicians offer this treatment: